What do these numbers mean?
The following conversions of energy data are provided by the Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. The amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) used is converted into terms that will allow everyone to understand what exactly their energy usage means in different, equivalent terms.
Below are each floor's usage of kWh when converted to carbon dioxide emissions from: number of smartphones charged, pounds of coal burned and greenhouse gas emissions from the number of miles driven by the average passenger vehicle.
1st: 68,529
2nd: 78,989
3rd: 72,677
4th: 92,244
5th: 88,096
6th: 88,908
7th: 67,628
Phones Charged
1st: 1,333
2nd: 1,537
3rd: 1,414
4th: 1,795
5th: 1,714
6th: 1,730
7th: 1,316
Miles Driven
1st: 592
2nd: 682
3rd: 628
4th: 797
5th: 761
6th: 768
7th: 584